Additional Email Backends ============================== Beyond the ``bandit.backends.smtp.HijackSMTPBackend`` used in the getting started guide, django-email-bandit defines additional backends and contains helpers for hijacking already customized backends. Using django-seacucumber ------------------------------- django-email-bandit supports sending email through SES via `django-seacucumber `_. To configure django-email-bandit, set your email backend as follows:: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'bandit.backends.seacuke.HijackSESBackend' Only logging emails ------------------- In environments where your application may generate lots of emails all at once, it may be desirable to hijack emails to non-admins and have them logged, but not sent out. The logging is done using the standard Python logging facilities using the ``bandit`` logger at the ``DEBUG`` level. django-email-bandit supports this with the ``bandit.backends.smtp.LogOnlySMTPBackend`` and the ``bandit.backends.seacuke.LogOnlySESBackend``. For example, to configure django-email-bandit to only log emails to non-admins, but still send via SMTP emails to admins, configure your email backend like so:: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'bandit.backends.smtp.LogOnlySMTPBackend' The log message which is generated can be customized by overriding the ``bandit/hijacked-email-log-message.txt`` template. Hijacking Arbitrary Backends ------------------------------- You can also hijack email to an arbitrary Django email backend by wrapping a backend of your choice with the HijackBackendMixin. For example, if you wanted to send email through SES but prefer to use `django-ses `_, you would create a class like this inside your project:: from django_ses import SESBackend from bandit.backends.base import HijackBackendMixin class MyHijackBackend(HijackBackendMixin, SESBackend): """ This backend intercepts outgoing messages drops them to a single email address, using the SESBackend in django-ses. """ pass and then set ``EMAIL_BACKEND`` as follows:: EMAIL_BACKEND = '' Note that the order in which you specify the mixin and base class is very important. If you specify the mixin last, your email will not be hijacked.