Django-Email-Bandit Changes ============================== History of releases and changes to the django-email-bandit project. This project has reached a stable point in its development and new releases are primarily to ensure compatibility with newer versions of Django and Python. Supported Django Versions ------------------------------- django-email-bandit aims to support the current security-supported releases of Django. v2.0 (released 2020-12-17) -------------------------- - Drop support for Python 2.7 - Drop support for Python 3.5 - Add support for Django 2.2, 3.0 and 3.1 v1.6 (released 2020-12-03) -------------------------- - Add BANDIT_REGEXP_WHITELIST to allow match emails by regexps (#29) v1.5 (released 2018-01-11) -------------------------- - Added documentation regarding context variables available in the email template (#25) - Allow BANDIT_EMAIL to be a list of addresses (#26) - Add flake8 and coverage tox environments v1.4 (released 2017-12-08) -------------------------- - Added support for Django 2.0 and Python 3.5 - Dropped support for Django 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.9 and Python 3.4 - Documentation improvements - Support more email address formats (#19) v1.3 (released 2017-10-31) -------------------------- - Added support and test coverage for Django 1.11 - Added support and test coverage for Python 3.6 - Dropped support for Python 2.6 and Python 3.3. v1.2 (Released 2016-11-08) ------------------------------- - Added support and test coverage for Django 1.10 v1.1 (Released 2016-01-20) ------------------------------- - Backends now intercept the CC and BCC fields as well - Entire domains can be whitelisted. See the :doc:`settings documentation `. v1.0 (Released 2014-03-21) ------------------------------- - Python 3 support - Tox support for running tests with Travis CI integration - Full project documentation - Added ``BANDIT_WHITELIST`` setting to allow specified emails to pass through - *Backwards incompatible* Dropped Django 1.2 support v0.3.0 ------------------------------- - Added mixin classes for logging hijacked emails rather than sending v0.2.0 ------------------------------- - Added support for hijacking django-seacucumber backend - Added mixin to help with the creation of additional hijacked backends v0.1.0 ------------------------------- - Initial public release